
RDIS partnership visit was concluded at YAK in Indonesia based on the existing Collaboration Agreement between the two parties. Founded on a Memorandum of Understanding signed on the 23rd November 2019 by both parties with a purpose to learn from each other, and an overall goal “to shift from their own closed model to a more open one by integrating external ideas, solutions, resources and capabilities into their developments and other related practices to help them achieve greater return and stay competitive and relevant in their context”.

The Rural Development Inter Diocesan Service (RDIS) an organization for promoting sustainable development owned by five dioceses of the Anglican Church of Rwanda (Butare, Cyangugu, Kigeme, Nyaruguru and Shyogwe), and YAK/PARPEM GBKP, Yayasan Ate Keleng / Partisipasi Pembangunan Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (Ate Keleng Foundation / Development Participation of Karo Batak Protestant Church). RDIS received a delegation from YAK/PARPEM GBKP in November 2022, and its turn came to effect from 10th - 27th June 2024, where a delegation made of Pastor NTARINDWA Viateur RDIS Executive Director, and Mr NSABIMANA Jean Chrysostome RDIS Deputy Executive Director paid a visit to YAK. The main focus was to learn from their best practices of their Rural Bank and Credit Union so that, we get insights and ideas that can help enhance the processes of the 5 Talents - Ubumwe Financial Institution, which undoubtedly will help improve the livelihood of the rural communities served by RDIS. Apart from this, the delegation visited the church synod and met the Church Moderator, visited the former YAK director, the YAK office to meet the staff visiting YAK activities, but also some important places in the region and participated into YAK work and cultural related events.

In overall, the visit was successfully carried with a decision of enhancing the partnership between RDIS and YAK, to be put to another level. As per a concluding meeting with the Executive Director of YAK, it has been agreed that online video meetings should be arranged to keep sharing experiences.

Read the partnership visit report here for more details.

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Up left: Pose with YAK staff at the office.   Up right: Annual YAK family gathering at Toba lake Samsir Island.

Down left: Management and Board of YAK Perkeleng.   Down right: Marriage of YAK employees.

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Vision Statement
A Holy Soul in a Healthy Body.
Mission Statement
To safeguard environment, increase the production aiming at sustainable and holistic development.
Objectives Statement
To promote sustainable development by mobilizing the community members to lift themselves out of poverty.