The Anglican Church of Rwanda, dioceses of Butare, Cyangugu, Kigeme and Shyogwe via the Rural Development Inter-diocesan Service (RDIS) is implementing successfully a number of interventions for promoting sustainable and holistic development of the people, for example by initiating projects for environmental protection, income generation and modern farming.
Among the issues that challenge the environment in Rwanda is the wide use of open firewood stoves for cooking and for boiling drinking water. This led to the design and implementation of a project for improving living standards of households and reducing the strain on natural resources through the distribution of Improved Cook Stoves and Ceramic Water Filters. The title of this Carbon Project is: Carbon Credits for Emission Reduction (CCER).
RDIS organisation with support from United Evangelical Mission (UEM) and Klima-Kollekte has produced this promotional video film for the CCER project to promote it to the audiences in Rwanda, in Germany and elsewhere.
The United Evangelical Mission (UEM) - African Region - organized a follow-up workshop on the Role of Churches in Addressing Climate Change with an exposure visit to RDIS's environmental protection projects in Rwanda, from 14th to 16th November 2018. The hosting Church was the Anglican Church - Shyogwe diocese.
See also:
This sub-regional workshop was organized by UEM in collaboration with 6 member Churches: 4 dioceses of Anglican Church (Butare, Shyogwe, Cyangungu, and Kigeme), CBCA, EPR, ELCT-NWD, ELCT-KAD and ELCT-ECD.
More than 25 participants from the 6 Churches shared about their actions and projects (achievements, challenges and further recommendations) for Environmental Protection in the past 2 years as a follow-up workshop on UEM Recommendations for Climate Change, which were endorses by UEM leaders in workshops that were held in March/2016 and September/2016 in Nyamata Rwanda and in September/2017 in Dar es Salaam.
On Friday 17.08.2018, RDIS organisation was delighted to launch its project on supplying Solar Home Systems (SHS) in Gisagara district, Rwanda. The president of the BoD and at the same time the legal representative of RDIS organisation, Bishop Nathan Gasatura together with the Executive Secretary of Cyiri cell, Ms Francoise Maniraguha launched the project in the presence of more than 100 villagers and invited guests.
This special event started at around 10:30 with a meeting, where the executive secretary of Cyiri cell welcomed the invited guests. Prior to that, she thanked RDIS organisation for bringing the project for Supplying #SolarHomeSystems in her work area as it will improve the livelihood of the people who until now had no electricity in their homes.
Villagers from Cyiri cell during the meeting
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