RDIS organization will participate in the fourth edition of the German Christmas Market 2019, #germanchristmasmarket2019 on 16th & 17th November at the SOS Hermann-Gmeiner Primary School, in Kacyiru. RDIS as a strong partner of the German Development Cooperation through the United Evangelical Mission (#VEMission) has been invited to participate in this event so as to showcase the positive results of our long-term cooperation.
About the German Christmas Market 2019:
The German Christmas Market is a market place where partners of the German Development Cooperation (GDC) as well as German private investors are provided a platform to sell/display products to a broad clientele. Thereby, the market offers an opportunity to showcase the positive results of the German Development Cooperation in Rwanda, with a special focus on areas productivity and skills development, while creating an additional income for the partner organisations
From 1st of May to 3rd of May 2019 the Anglican Church of Rwanda (Butare, Cyangungu, Kigeme and Shyogwe diocese) was blessed to host a guest from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Ms Sabine Schneider who works in the department of Projects + Fundraising. Ms Schneider came to Rwanda to facilitate alongside with Mr Timo Pauler (UEM Executive Secretary for Finances and Administration) a Church Treasurers workshop at ISANO Guest House in Kigali, from 25th to 27th of April 2019.
After the workshop, Ms Schneider spent a few more days visiting UEM funded projects and institutions of UEM member Churches in Rwanda. In the last three days of her stay in this country, she visited projects and institutions of the Anglican Church of Rwanda in Butare and in Shyogwe dioceses.
Die Organisation Rural Development Inter-diocesan Service (RDIS) mit Unterstützung der Vereinten Evangelische Mission (VEM) und Klima-Kollekte hat diesen Werbefilm für ihr Projekt zur Verbreitung verbesserter Kochöfen produziert, um es in Ruanda, in Deutschland und anderswo bekannt zu machen.
Ziel des Films ist es, dass der Zuschauer die Projektidee versteht und davon überzeugt wird, dass der Kauf von Emissionszertifikaten aus diesem Projekt nicht nur die CO2-Emissionen beim Kochen reduziert, sondern zudem die Armut vermindert und die Gesundheit der Menschen verbessert, da in den jeweiligen Häusern weniger Rauch abgegeben wird.
Umuryango Mpuzamadiyosezi utsura Amajyambere (RDIS) uri gushyira mu bikorwa ku buryo bunoze imishinga igamije iterambere ry’abaturage ryuzuye kandi rirambye harimo iyo kubungabunga no kurengera ibidukikije, imishinga iciriritse ibyara inyungu hamwe n’ubuhinzi bwa kijyambere.
Bimwe mu bibazo bibangamiye ibidukikije mu Rwanda, ni umubare munini w’abantu bakoresha amashyiga ya gakondo agizwe n’amabuye atatu mu guteka ibyo kurya n’amazi yo kunywa.
Ibi byatumye habaho kwiga no gushyira mu bikorwa umushinga wo kuzamura imibereho myiza y’abaturage no kugabanya iyangizwa ry’umutungo kamere bahabwa amashyiga agabanya ibicanwa n’utuyunguruzo tw’amazi dukoze mu ibumba. Uyu mushinga ukaba uzwi ku izina ry’Umushinga wo kugabanya ibicanwa.
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