RDIS learns from YAK experience in community development. Among others, Ate Keleng Foundation / Development Participation of Karo Batak Protestant Church (YAK/PARPEM GBKP, Yayasan Ate Keleng / Partisipasi Pembangunan Gereja Batak Karo Protestan) has a Microfinance Service Division that handles 186 Credit Union it assists. It also has a Rural Bank in which it owns 60% of total shares.
RDIS partnership visit was concluded at YAK in Indonesia based on the existing Collaboration Agreement between the two parties. Founded on a Memorandum of Understanding signed on the 23rd November 2019 by both parties with a purpose to learn from each other, and an overall goal “to shift from their own closed model to a more open one by integrating external ideas, solutions, resources and capabilities into their developments and other related practices to help them achieve greater return and stay competitive and relevant in their context”.
Since its official launch on the 23rd February 2024, the registration process of Five Talents Ubumwe (5T Ubumwe) as a saving and credit cooperative started. Thanks to the technical support provided by all actors in cooperative registration at sector, district and national level, the Cooperative got a provisional registration. This is a registration Nr RCA-MU-012460 (RRA: TIN 122833122) of the 10th June 2024 grating Five Talents Ubumwe to operate its Financial Services (Other financial service Cooperatives) for a twelve months period. After this, the process of application for the registration with the National Bank of Rwanda has promptly started.
Building leaders, building churches, building the kingdom. This is a strapline of BUILD Partners which has been partnering with RDIS in the training of church leaders together since 2011, with a focus on equipping evangelists and local church teachers. This journey continues with a training of more in the five dioceses owning RDIS (Butare, Cyangugu, Kigeme, Nyaruguru and Shyogwe) and the Missionary Diocese of Karongi. This started by a Training of Master Trainers held at Ubumwe Center Hotel in Kigeme Diocese from the 27th to the 31st May 2024 which was attended by two people appointed by Bishops to be trained to coordinate the Programme into their respective Dioceses, one being a Head of Evangelism in the Diocese.
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