Climate-Smart Agriculture project was developed and is being implemented by RDIS organisation together with two dioceses of the Anglican church of Rwanda, namely Shyogwe and Cyangugu. The project is implemented in two phases, starting with Cyangugu diocese. It is meant to address the adverse effects of climate change, such as land degradation, deforestation, lower food production, unemployment etc, while also complementing the nation's efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Rwanda.
The general objective of this project is therefore to increase farmer's productivity by introducing the use of solar-powered irrigation farming and greenhouses technologies, as well as to enhance environmental protection in the communities by providing training on field to 200 households in Nyamiyaga sector and 200 households in Kamembe sector.
READ ALSO UPDATES: Promising Results for Climate-Smart Agriculture Project in Rusizi District, Rwanda
The farm manager of Mbayaya Farm (from EAR Church - Shyogwe diocese) showing the visitor from UEM, Susanne Seiler the position of the second phase of the CSA project. The farm needs a considerable investment to be productive and therefore contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals in Rwanda. (March 2022)
Please download the full tender notice in PDF format here.
This report is intended to provide key partners and founding members of the organization with information concerning the project planned for, projects implemented, the challenges encountered, the manner by which they were dealt with and, impact in the communities where project are implemented with and for members in the communities. This covers the Period April 2021 – December 2021.
For further information, please download the full report here
On Wednesday 29/03/2023, the Rural Development Inter-Diocesan Service (RDIS) held a staff meeting at it's headquarters in Muhanga city, which focussed mainly on the progress of the newly initiated project: “Improved Cookstoves Project in Rusizi”. The meeting, which was attended by all project staff, and chaired by the Executive Secretary, Mr Viateur Ntarindwa, provided an opportunity for reviewing the project's achievements, and challenges and also to identify areas for improvement.
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