RDIS executive secretary Viateur Ntarindwa and staff members organized successfully a 4 days program for a retreat, work on our new strategic planning and seminars on professional ethics and values from 24 to 27 February 2020.
This comprehensive but very interesting program brought together all staff members and the founding Church leaders from the Anglican dioceses of Butare, Cyangugu, Kigeme and Shyogwe.
The most important part of the program took place in Tuesday 25/02 at the training centre of Butare diocese and was led by the Chairperson and legal representative of RDIS organization Bishop Nathan Gasatura.
To conclude this program, on Thursday 27/02 RDIS staff members attended a workshop on professional ethics and values which was led by the retired Bishop Augustine Mvunabandi at the Sovu Monastery for Benedictine nuns near the town of Butare.
We are thankful for the financial support from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM), which enabled us to implement this important project.
Staff members of RDIS organization are happy to have carried out successfully the on-site verification of our Improved #CookStoves Project (CCER) in the above mentioned days. The UN Auditor KBS commissioned the renowned technical expert for Emission Trade, Engineer Mr David Lubanga to do the work.
In the audit team, we had also the senior consultant from our PoA ICSEA (Improved Cook Stoves for East Africa Project), Ms Sarah Kihuguru.
Based on deliberations during the closing meeting, so far, the auditor is satisfied by what he has verified concerning monitored data, management and operational system of the project.
The auditor was also very much satisfied with the findings of physical inspection of the project activities, household visiting and the interviews he conducted with our stove users, interviewing of RDIS staff members from the headquarters up to the field offices and enumerators, monitoring personnel, local partners, distributors etc.
From May 2019 the following activities have been carried out: Land preparation: This was done by the tree nursery bed managers under the supervision of RDIS field Coordinator to cleaning the bushes, removing tree stump, roots and levelling was done based on seed sowing in seedbeds. Rehabilitation of tree nurseries: Identification of the construction materials and construction was done. All 5 tree nurseries were rehabilitated with new construction materials. Purchasing and transportation of manure: After sowing seeds in fertilized soil, seedlings were grown well. when the soil is fertilized, therefore, organic manure was transported to the tree nursery beds to be mixed with soil as a good way to speed up the growing of seedlings.
RDIS organization as a partner of the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) participated in this year’s German Christmas Market 2019 (#germanchristmasmarket2019) which took place at the SOS Hermann-Gmeiner Primary School, Kacyiru in Kigali Rwanda, from 16th to 17th November 2019.
As it was planned, the event was inaugurated by two guests of honour; the Ambassador of Germany to Rwanda Dr Thomas Kurz and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr Michel Sebera, followed by a musical performance.
Figure 1: Staff members who worked on the stand received a big support from the leader of EPR Church Rev Dr Pascal Bataringaya and his wife
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