The RDIS organisation had helt a very important meeting which brought together participants from Local Government, Public Institutons, Church Leaders and Project Developpers. The Main Stakeholder at the same time one of the speakers was the Mayor of Rusizi District Dr. Anicet KIBIRIGA.
The ceremony was done by RDIS staff. UEM delegation and ATE KELENG highlighted the importance of community work and the continuing of the started partnership between the two NGOs. UEM stated how grateful they are to see the ongoing work of their Church members in Rwanda and Indonesia!
On the 11th December 2022, RDIS wished their guests from Indonesia and Germany farewell. The delegation of ATE KELENG was represented by Rev. Yusuf Tarigan and Mr. Leader Tarigan, the delegation of United Evangelical Mission got represented by Rev. Dr. Andar Parlindungan (head of UEM’s "Training & Empowerment" department) and Rev. Dr. Ernest Kadiva (UEM Deputy Executive Secretary for the African region). After an abundant meal, members of RDIS said goodbye to their visitors from ATE KELENG (Indonesia) and United Evangelical Mission.
RDIS and YAK GBKP joined together to discuss about the process of establishing a credit union as an entry point to empower people in the community especially in the rural areas. The Credit Union with and for the members in the five Dioceses of the Anglican Church in Rwanda, namely: BUTARE, CYANGUGU, KIGEME, NYARUGURU and SHYOGWE. The overall goal for the partnership is to empower members of Communities in Rwanda and in Indonesia become independent and improve on their self-sustainable for Spiritual, Social and Economic welfare.
For non-Governmental Organizations, it is not usual to own fixed asset “office included “ given almost all financial partners can’t provide financial support for that and furthermore they consider owning building, land or any other fixed assets as like running away from their purpose of serving the communities. From when it was registered by Rwanda Governance Board in 2015, RDIS continues to strive for self-reliance as to ensure the sustainability of diaconic services we deliver to the communities.
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