The RDIS Organisation participated in the World Environment Day 2018 by facilitating some actions and a workshop in Butare diocese on Tuesday 5th June 2018, from 9:00 am to 5 pm o’clock. The participants were composed of about 24 youths and other leaders, who are involved in our ongoing waste management project. They came from all four dioceses of the Anglican Church in Rwanda, namely Kigeme, Shyogwe, Cyangugu and Butare. Members of staff from the Butare diocese’s office also attended the opening event.
The workshop/action day was officially opened by Hon Bishop Nathan Gasatura, who is also the Chairman of RDIS organization. In his address, he stressed on the importance of environmental protection and why this issue is taken up very seriously by the Anglican Church in Rwanda. He urged the youth to play their role in this noble task.
To mark the inauguration OF the project for supplying ‘Solar Home Systems’ in Off-grid areas by Hon mayor of Muhanga district Ms Beatrice Uwamariya and UEM Executive Secretary for Africa(1), Rev Dr John Wesley Kabango, a small ceremony was held at Kivumu village, on the 2nd of August 2018. About two hundred villagers, government officials and representatives from the two project implementing Churches as well as some staff members of RDIS organisation and Ignite Power Rwanda company Ltd attended this colourful event, which started at 10:00 in the morning and ended at about 14:00 hrs.
The Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR), dioceses of Butare, Cyangugu, Kigeme and Shyogwe via the Rural Development Inter-diocesan Service (RDIS(2)) in collaboration Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR) are jointly implementing a pilot phase of a Project for Supplying ‘Solar Home Systems’ in Off-grid areas in their respective Church areas(3). The project has started with a pilot phase, whereby 200 households are indirectly going to get a microcredit(4) to enable them to get Solar Home System kits installed in their homes.
Executive Summary
From 2014, RDIS has been so much involved in the reduction of CO2 emissions, being an investment project it has shaped our mind to think outside the grant funds box which for many years past has driven the mindset of RDIS personnel.
The implementation of CCER phase one (CCER1) with our key partners (UEM, Bread for the World, UCB, and Kilma Kolletke) is making a good impact on people’s lives. There is a high probability of achieving what we are expected to accomplish in terms of carbon credits. The upcoming verification by a UN auditor should serve as proof of our capabilities.
The RDIS Organisation is participating in the World Environment Day by facilitating some actions and a workshop in Butare diocese on Tuesday 5th June 2018, from 9:00 o’clock onwards. The participants will be composed of about 24 youths and some leaders, who are involved in our ongoing waste management project, coming from all four dioceses of the Anglican Church in Rwanda, namely Kigeme, Shyogwe, Cyangugu and Butare.
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