RDIS organization is proud to present its newest partnership with CANOPY ENERGIES SAS for its scale-up project for distribution of cookstoves in Rwanda.

Together with CANOPY ENERGIES SAS, which pledges to fight global warming by focusing on producing clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, we plan to distribute 50,000 Improved Cook Stoves to all eligible households in the Rusizi district in Western Rwanda over the next 2 years.

improved cook stove Rwanda in use

Providing households with improved cook stoves reduces the wood consumption by a factor 2.5, and thus limits the emissions of greenhouse gases due to cooking. This project alone should prevent the emission of 700,000 tCO2eq over the next 7 years. Clean cooking solutions also significantly reduce the smoke in households, improving health conditions.

For more information about CANOPY ENERGIES activities, please visit: https://canopy-energy.com/en/canopy-energy/

 rdis ccer project june 2021 fieldcoordinator with beneficiary